Sunday, March 30, 2003

A New Domain

Okay, you can still get to this page from the normal link:

and now, you can get here from

NOTE: when the DOT.TK site is down, it won't work, so keep the other address handy, eh?

as well... same exact place, different names... (oh, yeah. the "tk" address has a very painless, unobtrusive popup... I can turn it off if I want, but they won't advertise my site if I do (nor will they send me a spiffy shirt)). But those of you who already have the "blogspot" link bookmarked have nothing to fear... it's not going anywhere...

ALSO, you can get email to me now at, should you feel the need.

Okay... Friday night at, like, 2:00am, it was 75�... Now, at 9:35am Sunday, it is snowing... I'm not pissed... I'm just, like, pissed... make uppa you mind, eh?

Saturday, March 29, 2003

Hmmm... Part II

So... "Saddam Hussein" is offering 100 million dinar (about $30,000 US) to the families of anyone willing to become a suicide bomber for the Iraqi "army." So, the dinar is basically worth about 3/100 of a penny... that's shitter than the yen... shittier than the peso, as well... Okay, besides whatever it's worth, that's a pretty shitty deal, I'd say... I'd have to say, "pass." but judging by what some of the reports are saying, I'm not so sure that people are necessarily volunteering as much as maybe having some folks show up knocking on their door and informing them of their "volunteer" status...

The Iraqi news is trying to tell the people of it's country (and elsewhere, too, I guess) that the oil fires are "pipeline fires caused by coalition missles..." Hmm... well, the "movin' pichers" I'm looking at are showing oil well heads burning and such... the Iraqi news explaination? "The Americans are using file footage from the first Gulf War..." Again, a great big hmmm... So, I guess that 2000 Chevy Blazer in the picture is from the first Gulf War, too, then, eh? :rollseyes:

Friday, March 28, 2003

Embed This?

When did this become the cool word of the new war? I mean, I don't think I've ever heard "embedded" anywhere with regards to the press before last Thursday... Just the new "catch word" or something this go 'round. I know there are some freelance reporters roaming around out there, and sometimes they seem to be telling a bit of a "darker" story to this war, but my best guess is that the press was "embedded" with the troops to keep an eye (and ear) on them and such. I mean, apparently these reporters aren't allowed to take a dump without it being on the record, so... y'know...

Anyhow, flipping through the channels earlier and came across a report from MSNBC's Bob Arnot (are so) who is currently embedded with a forward unit of troops (I believe the 101st Airborne)... and he confirmed somthing I have been afraid was going on (well, he confirmed it by saying he "saw it with [his] own eyes"). The Iraqi (para)military are going around to homes and rounding up teenage boys at gunpoint, killing one that doesn't want to go and dumping them in the streets (as a sign to the others to obey), sticking the teens on busses, taking them out to the front lines, in front of the main Iraqi army troops, giving them mortars and ordering them to fire at coalition troops... the coalition troops are between a rock and a hard place, because they're being shot at... but they're being shot at by little kids who are being forced to shoot at them... I've been thinking about it on and off, and I honestly have no idea what I would do if it was me out there... I'm glad it's not, anyway... War is Hell... and it sucks, too...
Okay... What the..?!?

I was trying to find the picture of the US military men standing in the Iraqi city with the painting of the Twin Towers getting hit by the plane with the Iraqi flag and all that so that I could post a link to it... so I'm searching through some links on Google... and I come across THIS WEBLOG... As I read some of it I was wondering, "Could this possibly be real?" The more I read, the less I started to believe any of it... I had linked into it in the archives and a couple of the articles were almost kinda believeable... so I just went to the front page of the WEBLOG to see what I could find... and I found some pretty seriously over the top stuff... Regardless of its authenticity, whoever this guy is that's writing this stuff obviously isn't a fan of the US... oh, well... get in line, buddy...

Iraqis: "The American pigdogs have targeted our civilians and marketplaces..."
Americans: "The Iraqi terrorists shot a SAM at their own people and are trying to blame it on the Americans..."

Y'know... I have no problem believing that the Iraqis are sticking guns to people's heads and saying, "Go stand in front of that AAA battery or I'll shoot you and your grandmother..." These are the same fucks that throw dissidents into plastic shredders head first... so it's no surprise at all that they would use civilians as shields and then blame us for killing them... because apparently the Iraqis aren't into following the "rules of war" or something... yeah, I know... the word "rules" in conjunction with "war..." kinda crazy... well, again, I probably shouldn't be surprised. I mean, we're talking about an Iraqi military that says "Okay, we surrender," and then when the US military gets close enough, the Iraqis start shooting grenades and shit at 'em... again, paying no attention to any kinds of "rules..." and in doing so, they're really only going to end up killing more of their own countrymen by pulling stupid shit like that, because it's gonna make it a whole lot harder for the US/British military to accept surrendering Iraqis, because who knows who's gonna be waiting to ambush them when they do? I think there's a word for when the Iraqis do that shit... I think it's called "treachery," but maybe I'm mistaken...
And the whole "dressing up like American soldiers" thing is pretty skullduggerous, as well... I mean, they're not fucking Hogan's Heroes trying to sneak into Berlin to get a little action... and of course, leave it to the American media to tell us that the military will now be opening fire on anyone dressed in US military gear that's not wearing the (now manditory) chemical pants (I think the Iraqis can pull in CNN, too, if I'm not mistaken? I'm not saying that they have any MOPP gear, but still...)...
It's the duty of each country to spin all the action in their own favor, in order to make the others look bad and get people all over the world to say, "Can you believe what they're doing over there?" Just like when, twelve years ago, we bombed a "baby milk factory," people shit kitties until they found out (if they ever bothered to pay attention, that is) that the "baby milk factory" was what was known as a "dual purpose facility." In other words, yeah, there was baby milk there, but there was also a weapons lab in the basement, so, it had to go... but the only pictures we ever really got to see on Iraqi TV was the baby milk factory part, so people freaked... of course, I don't blame them... it's called propaganda...
I happened to catch a live press conference with the Iraqi Defense Minister that was taking place outside somewhere in Baghdad just as some of the heaviest bombing in a few days hits the middle of the downtown area... and the Defense Minister is all saying, "We're not afraid... (looks around in the air) What is that a cruise missle? Our country is not afraid of these cowards..." and you could almost hear the shit filling up in his pants, not to mention the eyeballs the size of dinner plates and stuff... I don't want to say it was amusing because I really don't want to seem insensitive to the war and the fear that is in a lot of the Iraqi people currently, but it was really interesting to see this guy who would obviously rather be deep in some secret bunker somewhere, rather than standing out in the open as Tomahawks are flying over his head and 4,500-pound bombs are blowing the place all to Hell and back, standing there throwing out all this spin about how the Iraqis are "winning the war" and all this stuff... just some crazy shit to witness...

Meanwhile in New York, masses of idiot anti-war protestors linking themselves together with PVC pipes lay down in the middle of 5th Avenue in a "die-in..." you think those soldiers are risking something by being in the middle of Iraq? Try laying down in the middle of a street in downtown New York City... they're idiots... but idiots with big balls apparently... I mean, I figured there would be reports of people just running them the fuck over...
So, why do I call them "idiots," bedsides the whole "laying down in the middle of the street" thing? Well, apparently this "die-in" was staged in order to try to "give New Yorkers an idea of what a hundred dead bodies looked like..." uh... HELLO?!? Does anyone else remember that whole 9/11 thing with the two big buildings that fell over? hmm... but New Yorkers can't conceive what a hundred innocent dead bodies looks like...
I honestly think it's just a little too late for anti-war protests at this point... but maybe that's just me...

I saw the picture of the US military men in the Iraqi city, yesterday, with a big painting in the background depicting two buildings and a plane flying into one of them (with an Iraqi flag on the tail of the plane)... I really didn't know what to think of it... well, okay, I know what I think of it, but I really don't know what to say about it...

Thursday, March 27, 2003

Headaches Suck... Really

I have been the victim of migraine headaches for a few years, now... and I'm suffering from one right now, as well (well, at least the onset of one)... so why am I even sitting here talking about it? Well, I thought the aspirin-stuff I had taken earlier in the afternoon when I first felt it coming on was going to head it off at the pass... but no... I was sitting here surfing around (staring... concentrating on newsgroup messages on the screen), and bang... here it comes... complete with the borerline violent nausea starting to appear, as well... so I probably should go lay down for a few, now... My friend Tracie (a fellow sufferer) has recommended the Imitrex nasal spray stuff... sounds like a plan in the near future... ugh... this sucks... blecch...

Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Fox "News"

Okay... I was pretty resigned to the fact that the people at Fox news weren't really all that great a group of journalists, but more like just shills for the Bush administration... but now I'm convinced that they're also a bunch of shmucks... (some of you would also consider "shills for the Bush administration" and "shmucks" to be synonymous)
Flipping through the channels and I stop at Fox News, where they are talking about the US Army Seargent who threw grenades at his own people... The broadcaster says (something to the effect of), "The soldier has been identified as Hasan Akbar. Yeah folks, that's right, Hasan Akbar," and then proceeded to roll their eyes. Um, okay... How about you bias yourself a little more, why don't ya? I'm actually kinda surprised they stopped there and didn't go ahead and accuse him of being a possible Al Qaeda operative... I was pretty insulted by it, actually (as most sensible folks probably were, as well)... Yeah, most of the news is a little bit biased, I'll give you that, but come on... that was just fucking rude... How about you let us jump to our own conclusions, maybe?
Personally, I think the guy will most likely be executed (although he probably deserves to spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth with those really, really scary people), but not because he's a muslim... but because he's the truest form of a traitor.

Hmm... Coalition forces take control of a hospital in a larger Iraqi city... and find several thousand chemical warfare suits and thousands of syringes of atropine (the antidote for certain types of nerve gas)... but... they claim to have no weapons like that, eh? Hmm... Interesting...

In other war news, a US soldier that left his tent in a forward base to go to the latrine some fifteen feet away during one of the sandstorms was reportedly lost for eight hours... That would suck... Thank goodness all the news from the war is not quite so grim...

Monday, March 17, 2003

I Need a New Keyboard

I spilled the tiniest amount of soda on my keyboard this past summer... It seemed to have taken it pretty well... then, oneday, all of the sudden, my "D" key and my "Control" key decided that they wanted to misbehave... now they have become the most annoying things on the entire planet... I never realized how often I used the "D" key until it started sticking... sometimes, it seems like every word I type uses the damned thing... and I have to sit there and flick it after I hit it, much like you would flick the kid in the seat in front of you's ear at school to be a dick... every now and then you get the big dddddddddddddddddddd trail, too... That's always special... I purposefully try to not use words with "d" in them, now, just because I hate having to sit 'n' flick at the key to get it to pop back up...
I nee... must get a new keybo... keythingie...

Thursday, March 13, 2003

Congratulations to the Smart Family

Congratulations goes out to the family of 15 year-old Elizabeth smart. After being missing for nine months she was found, alive and well...
When I first heard the news this morning, I stopped what I was doing and just kinda sat "in awe," I guess you'd say... I mean, to be quite honest, I figured the next news we would hear regarding the case would be the [chill] discovery of her bones... I am very, very glad that she was found and is now safe... considering that less than two percent of kidnapping victims are found alive after 24 hours, this is an incredible thing...
In a moment of pure speculation, here, I think that she must have been the victim of some form of mind control... I mean, first of all, she is fifteen... I'm sure at one point she was, at one point, capable of planning/attempting an escape, yet she was still with her captors (a husband and wife that were known to be a bit on the "radically religious" side). When they found her, she was disguised and such... yet, it wasn't like they had a leash on her or anything... quite possibly the mere threat of harm against her, her little brothers, her parents, was all it took to subdue her (possibly after some form(s) of deprivation)... makes me think of Patty Hearst (who was kidnapped in the '70s and brainwashed into committing bank robberies and such for the "Symbionese Liberation Army"). It doesn't take much to brainwash even the most strong-willed... Ms. Hearst was simply deprived of things like light (she was locked in a closet), a place to relieve herself (again, locked in a closet), nutrition, etc. and with the use of someone skilled in "programming," they got what they wanted from Ms. Hurst pretty easily... this could have easily been the case with young Ms. Smart, too... but, again, it's just a moment of mere speculation... we'll know more in the coming weeks... at least tonight, she is sleeping much easier, I bet...

Saturday, March 08, 2003

It's Finally Revealed (?)

Welp... All this buildup... all this waiting... and for what? Well... I'm not exactly, sure... is now featuring the pictures he said he would... blah blah blah, cataclysmic flooding... and he points to another site - MOUNTAINSUB.COM - that was allegedly created by "the faction" to divert the true purpose of the "sub" into some "publicity stunt" (which, in fact the WHOLE THING is one big "publicity stunt," but, y'know...)...
...and it's worth pointing out that it all is pointing to Australia and such (which I stated in an earlier post the writer seemed Australian, possibly - although now he's stating he was "vacationing" in Australia - heh)...
So... it all boils down to the fact that he's going to reveal yet MORE information on April 15th... as if he needs to be holding anything back, at this point... blah... letdown? yeah... but I expected it, so I'm not as let down as I could have been, I guess...

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

More Signs That I May Know Something

As if I needed more proof that kids aren't taking advantage of technology to make themselves any more intelligent -

CHECK OUT THIS STORY of what a teacher got for an essay from a THIRTEEN YEAR-OLD... sad... so, so sad...
Math Geeks Unite!

THIS is beautiful... in an "I've got too much time on my hands" kind of way... and quite well done, at that...
read the FAQ too, and you can download all 220 MILLION digits of pi for your very own!
Someone HAD Make This, Eventually

In an earlier rant, I griped about how I couldn't stand the stupid, lazy way people communicated on the internet... Well, someone actually came up with a WEBPAGE that will "take what you write in it and turn it into the manner a 12-year-old AOLer would write it." Thus:

"Now is the time for all good men to come to the aide of the party"



(it actually will give you different translations every time you click the button, thus adding to the merriment...) Beautiful, no?

Sunday, March 02, 2003

Does anybody feel this way?
Does anybody feel like I do?

Half of me is gone,
The lonesome part is left,
I cannot find the other half,
I cannot find the other half...
"Tabloids... is that one of those really strong mints?"

Saturday, March 01, 2003

lactomangulation, (n.):
Mutilating the "Open Here" side on a carton of milk so badly that one has to resort to the "illegal" side.
Damned "bandwidth limit exceeded" crap... I think it's 'cause I hosted a file for one of my friends to use in his signature on a bulletin board, somewhere... crap, crap, crap...