Friday, March 28, 2003

Embed This?

When did this become the cool word of the new war? I mean, I don't think I've ever heard "embedded" anywhere with regards to the press before last Thursday... Just the new "catch word" or something this go 'round. I know there are some freelance reporters roaming around out there, and sometimes they seem to be telling a bit of a "darker" story to this war, but my best guess is that the press was "embedded" with the troops to keep an eye (and ear) on them and such. I mean, apparently these reporters aren't allowed to take a dump without it being on the record, so... y'know...

Anyhow, flipping through the channels earlier and came across a report from MSNBC's Bob Arnot (are so) who is currently embedded with a forward unit of troops (I believe the 101st Airborne)... and he confirmed somthing I have been afraid was going on (well, he confirmed it by saying he "saw it with [his] own eyes"). The Iraqi (para)military are going around to homes and rounding up teenage boys at gunpoint, killing one that doesn't want to go and dumping them in the streets (as a sign to the others to obey), sticking the teens on busses, taking them out to the front lines, in front of the main Iraqi army troops, giving them mortars and ordering them to fire at coalition troops... the coalition troops are between a rock and a hard place, because they're being shot at... but they're being shot at by little kids who are being forced to shoot at them... I've been thinking about it on and off, and I honestly have no idea what I would do if it was me out there... I'm glad it's not, anyway... War is Hell... and it sucks, too...

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