Friday, March 28, 2003


Iraqis: "The American pigdogs have targeted our civilians and marketplaces..."
Americans: "The Iraqi terrorists shot a SAM at their own people and are trying to blame it on the Americans..."

Y'know... I have no problem believing that the Iraqis are sticking guns to people's heads and saying, "Go stand in front of that AAA battery or I'll shoot you and your grandmother..." These are the same fucks that throw dissidents into plastic shredders head first... so it's no surprise at all that they would use civilians as shields and then blame us for killing them... because apparently the Iraqis aren't into following the "rules of war" or something... yeah, I know... the word "rules" in conjunction with "war..." kinda crazy... well, again, I probably shouldn't be surprised. I mean, we're talking about an Iraqi military that says "Okay, we surrender," and then when the US military gets close enough, the Iraqis start shooting grenades and shit at 'em... again, paying no attention to any kinds of "rules..." and in doing so, they're really only going to end up killing more of their own countrymen by pulling stupid shit like that, because it's gonna make it a whole lot harder for the US/British military to accept surrendering Iraqis, because who knows who's gonna be waiting to ambush them when they do? I think there's a word for when the Iraqis do that shit... I think it's called "treachery," but maybe I'm mistaken...
And the whole "dressing up like American soldiers" thing is pretty skullduggerous, as well... I mean, they're not fucking Hogan's Heroes trying to sneak into Berlin to get a little action... and of course, leave it to the American media to tell us that the military will now be opening fire on anyone dressed in US military gear that's not wearing the (now manditory) chemical pants (I think the Iraqis can pull in CNN, too, if I'm not mistaken? I'm not saying that they have any MOPP gear, but still...)...
It's the duty of each country to spin all the action in their own favor, in order to make the others look bad and get people all over the world to say, "Can you believe what they're doing over there?" Just like when, twelve years ago, we bombed a "baby milk factory," people shit kitties until they found out (if they ever bothered to pay attention, that is) that the "baby milk factory" was what was known as a "dual purpose facility." In other words, yeah, there was baby milk there, but there was also a weapons lab in the basement, so, it had to go... but the only pictures we ever really got to see on Iraqi TV was the baby milk factory part, so people freaked... of course, I don't blame them... it's called propaganda...
I happened to catch a live press conference with the Iraqi Defense Minister that was taking place outside somewhere in Baghdad just as some of the heaviest bombing in a few days hits the middle of the downtown area... and the Defense Minister is all saying, "We're not afraid... (looks around in the air) What is that a cruise missle? Our country is not afraid of these cowards..." and you could almost hear the shit filling up in his pants, not to mention the eyeballs the size of dinner plates and stuff... I don't want to say it was amusing because I really don't want to seem insensitive to the war and the fear that is in a lot of the Iraqi people currently, but it was really interesting to see this guy who would obviously rather be deep in some secret bunker somewhere, rather than standing out in the open as Tomahawks are flying over his head and 4,500-pound bombs are blowing the place all to Hell and back, standing there throwing out all this spin about how the Iraqis are "winning the war" and all this stuff... just some crazy shit to witness...

Meanwhile in New York, masses of idiot anti-war protestors linking themselves together with PVC pipes lay down in the middle of 5th Avenue in a "die-in..." you think those soldiers are risking something by being in the middle of Iraq? Try laying down in the middle of a street in downtown New York City... they're idiots... but idiots with big balls apparently... I mean, I figured there would be reports of people just running them the fuck over...
So, why do I call them "idiots," bedsides the whole "laying down in the middle of the street" thing? Well, apparently this "die-in" was staged in order to try to "give New Yorkers an idea of what a hundred dead bodies looked like..." uh... HELLO?!? Does anyone else remember that whole 9/11 thing with the two big buildings that fell over? hmm... but New Yorkers can't conceive what a hundred innocent dead bodies looks like...
I honestly think it's just a little too late for anti-war protests at this point... but maybe that's just me...

I saw the picture of the US military men in the Iraqi city, yesterday, with a big painting in the background depicting two buildings and a plane flying into one of them (with an Iraqi flag on the tail of the plane)... I really didn't know what to think of it... well, okay, I know what I think of it, but I really don't know what to say about it...

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