Thursday, March 13, 2003

Congratulations to the Smart Family

Congratulations goes out to the family of 15 year-old Elizabeth smart. After being missing for nine months she was found, alive and well...
When I first heard the news this morning, I stopped what I was doing and just kinda sat "in awe," I guess you'd say... I mean, to be quite honest, I figured the next news we would hear regarding the case would be the [chill] discovery of her bones... I am very, very glad that she was found and is now safe... considering that less than two percent of kidnapping victims are found alive after 24 hours, this is an incredible thing...
In a moment of pure speculation, here, I think that she must have been the victim of some form of mind control... I mean, first of all, she is fifteen... I'm sure at one point she was, at one point, capable of planning/attempting an escape, yet she was still with her captors (a husband and wife that were known to be a bit on the "radically religious" side). When they found her, she was disguised and such... yet, it wasn't like they had a leash on her or anything... quite possibly the mere threat of harm against her, her little brothers, her parents, was all it took to subdue her (possibly after some form(s) of deprivation)... makes me think of Patty Hearst (who was kidnapped in the '70s and brainwashed into committing bank robberies and such for the "Symbionese Liberation Army"). It doesn't take much to brainwash even the most strong-willed... Ms. Hearst was simply deprived of things like light (she was locked in a closet), a place to relieve herself (again, locked in a closet), nutrition, etc. and with the use of someone skilled in "programming," they got what they wanted from Ms. Hurst pretty easily... this could have easily been the case with young Ms. Smart, too... but, again, it's just a moment of mere speculation... we'll know more in the coming weeks... at least tonight, she is sleeping much easier, I bet...

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