Thursday, March 27, 2003

Headaches Suck... Really

I have been the victim of migraine headaches for a few years, now... and I'm suffering from one right now, as well (well, at least the onset of one)... so why am I even sitting here talking about it? Well, I thought the aspirin-stuff I had taken earlier in the afternoon when I first felt it coming on was going to head it off at the pass... but no... I was sitting here surfing around (staring... concentrating on newsgroup messages on the screen), and bang... here it comes... complete with the borerline violent nausea starting to appear, as well... so I probably should go lay down for a few, now... My friend Tracie (a fellow sufferer) has recommended the Imitrex nasal spray stuff... sounds like a plan in the near future... ugh... this sucks... blecch...

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