Friday, October 10, 2014

Here's the official video for the band.

Saturday, June 29, 2013


A work in progress (if you open it in a new tab, as opposed to the lightbox popup thing, it will be a bit bigger, but not original size)... almost finished, but I'm kind of stuck on how to get some of that "digital grain" out of it without resorting to a cheap "blur" shortcut...
I guess we'll see.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Here it is, again. May 22nd...
My father would have been 75 years old, today... and his brother would have turned 85, tomorrow... and only three days from the stroke that would eventually end his wonderful life on June 8th, ten years ago.
Since he passed away, I go through a tidal wave of emotion this time of year... his birthday, his illness and passing two days before my birthday... it has sort of put a bit of a damper on every birthday I've celebrated in the past nine years, and this upcoming birthday will be no exception... it's not that it attaches some "permanently negative" connotation to it, really, but it has put a definite air of reflection onto everything.

I had a chance to sit and talk with an old family friend, today. He played bass for my father's band for many years and was a staple at every family function for many, many years. This man was probably more responsible for me playing the guitar than Eddie Van Halen, Alex Lifeson, Pat Metheny, Jimmy Page, Ronnie Montrose or any other "rock star" of the time.  On the rare weekend when Dad didn't have any shows scheduled, we would typically go to Eddie's house (I tink he officially goes by "Ed," these days) and he and Dad would drink and laugh, Mom and Eddie's wife Jeri would drink and laugh and I would hang out with Ed's kids in the living room, playing games, watching tv... sometimes around the piano, listening to Angie play and sing the M.A.S.H. theme song and other songs... taking a turn myself, every now and then.  On a stand in the corner of the room was a Yamaha acoustic. I would see it and wish I knew how to play it like Eddie could.  One night I had him show me a couple chords... we went home that night and Dad dug his old Harmony Monterey acoustic (a beautiful piece of 1940's craftsmanship- arched top with f-holes and a tobaccoburst finish) out of the closet (because all drummers secretly wish they were guitar players - fact). He handed it to me and said, "Here." My response was, "But Dad, it only has three (somewhat corroded) strings on it."  His response was very matter-of-fact. "Well, learn your way around those three and we'll see about getting a new set on it.  The rest, as they say, is history.  A couple days later, I gathered the family after dinner and played a very Dr. Dimento'd version of "Oh Where, Oh Where Has My Little Dog Gone," complete with equally-dimented lyrics about how it was run over by a lawn mower and scattered across the yard.  I know... twisted as hell... but I remember my mom and dad and older brother laughing hysterically and applauding after I had finished.  That weekend, I had a new set of strings on it and was learning the first song I would ever learn on a guitar... suprisingly not "Smoke on the Water" (that probably came second or third), but Alex Lifeson's "Broon's Bane," the lead-in to "The Trees" off of Rush's Exit... Stage Left. I "learned it," I guess you could say... and would go on to actually learn it "for real" several years down the road.

Anyhow, sitting there with Eddie, we talked about a lot of things... about the "state of music," today, and how lucky I was to actually have had parents that supported me playing music.  Even back then, it was kind of a rare thing.  I mean, yeah, I played baseball and football and rode BMX for years, but I would come home from practices and games and go straight to my room, close the door and grab the guitar.  Ma would confess only a few years ago that she would sometimes sneak upstairs and sit on the top step and listen to me play.  I honestly never knew.
I was telling him about how sad I was to go to one of my old school's football games a few years back and see the marching band I used to be the lead trumpet in... and count a grand total of thirty-two people on the field.  When my brother and I were in the band, we marched 200+ every year... and I sat and watched a band that wasn't even the size of our color guard on that field. It was a sad reminder of the state of music, today.  We were actually among the more "popular kids" in the school.  We got invited to all the jock parties, dated the cutest girls... at least half the crowd at the football games were there to see the band.  Sadly, that's not the case, anymore... and it's not just my old band, but all the high schools around here.  The music programs are almost nonexistent, anymore...
It's a bit disheartening to see how parents have turned their kids away from music in recent years.  I wish I knew why.  I mean, the parents of these kids were the same people I marched with back in the day and went to national competitions with every year in Florida and Tennessee, having the same absolute blast and coming home with trophies that were taller than us and being a source of pride for the city and all that wonderful stuff.

I took my musical "talent" or whatever you want to call it and the nurturing of it that my parents gave me and, while doing all that "structured music stuff" in school, turned it towards rock music... and despite never becoming "famous" or anything like that, I wouldn't have done anything differently. As a result, I've had a chance to do some really amazing things, made some really amazing friends and met some truly amazing and inspiring people along the way... a couple of which I want to talk about in a moment.

Monday, April 22, 2013

I never really cared a bunch for them back in the day... well, in all fairness, it wasn't that I wasn't into them, or anything, I was just into other stuff a lot more. I mean, I still love "Mr. Brownstone" and "Night Train." Appetitie for Destruction is still probably one of the best albums from that style and era of music. I just thought there was a whole lotta hype behind 'em and not a whole ton of substance.
This song, I just really like, for some reason. I think it's the complexity of the chords during the verse (I doubt Slash would have ever written a song with those chords in it, and likely rightly so).
The break down  @2:30 is freakin' sweet, too, and I really like the shift to the neck pickup solo @ around 3:40 and the harmonies, there... I dunno. Just so UN-Guns-like... or maybe just 21st Century Guns 'n' Roses.

Guns N' Roses - Better from slasherr on Vimeo.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Monday, April 15, 2013

Odd that I posted that deftones video the other day...
I had a feeling... or something.
RIP, Chi. @2:30 - every time I ever watched this video going back to when I first saw it, that moment always gave me chills.

Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Sleepless... laying in bed...

Monday, September 03, 2012

Pedaling through
the dark currents,
I find

an accurate copy,
A blueprint
of the pleasure
in me

Swirling black lilies totally ripe
A secret code carved...

Thursday, August 02, 2012

"Free," somebody says
Guess now I'm free
to say what I feel,
crush you with words
Tell you you're wrong
for all that you've done
The harder we fall,
the less we all learn...

Praise keeps you so tall
I give you some time,
you wasted it all
fighting for space,
looking for ways
to spread yourself thin
The more I stay here,
the less you fit in...

Now hang on and listen,
you broken record
No I won't stay long, so
keep it all to yourself

And when the conflict ends,
the life of us depends
on whether time can clear our way...

Friday, April 13, 2012

I made this... to remind myself of how much of a complete and utter fuck I am...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Is there something that you're trying to say?
Don't hold back, now
It's been a long time since I felt this way
so don't hold back, now
I've purposely forgot about
loving anyone
'Cause I'm "the only one who has,
who has been stepped upon."
Is there something that you're trying to say?
'Cause I can take it
'Cause I grew up a man this way
If I'm hurt I'll shake it
I'll crawl back into my cave
That's how I'll make it
'Cause out of all this hurt we have
beauty thus become

In the mourning I can see the sights
No wonder I could never keep you satisfied
In the mourning I can see inside
myself and all the things that you were trying to hide.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Life is good.

Actually... life is awesome.

All because of a big mistake I made twenty years ago... well, maybe not exactly "because" of the mistake, but if I hadn't made it, I wouldn't be where I am, today.

I left her because I knew I'd hurt her... possibly the most-noble thing a twenty-two year-old piece of shit could do. I knew it was a mistake as soon as I did it because I really liked her... it wasn't the typical "I like this girl" thing I was accustomed to... I guess that's why I did it... because I knew I'd hurt her. I had gotten out of a particularly shitty relationship a couple years prior... one that cost me my best friend, who really wasn't any kind of friend, at all, and left some pretty deep wounds that would take a long time to heal over. I was an angry guy... and I was going to reap a lot of victims along the way to heal.

Time marched on... one lousy relationship after another for twenty years... aimless... pointless. I had just given up. Too many scars.

Through the most chance of chances... out of the blue... there she is...

I couldn't drive by a few places in town without thinking about her... yeah, even after all this time... I would drive by these places, even after all these years, and her face would enter my head, immediately. I wondered how she was... if she was happy... if I hadn't done what I did all that time ago, if things could have been any different.

Through the most chance of chances... out of the blue... there she is...

I found her, again... well... she found me.
...and life is truly awesome. Truly.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

She was a queen
Lost within a dream
Misconceived that he was fit to reign
Lies take victims
Separate them at the seams
Cause them to fall apart
Then move along to better things, now

She wants to fall in love, again
He's satisfied to own her

No time permits to open up
When you've been hiding thoughts so strong
She's been holding out for an angel to come along
No reply from the sky
But she just keeps looking up
She just keeps looking up, now

She'll never know love's true potential
Lost in the open wind
To his impatience
Never feeling they would fall apart
She let her feelings grow
To tears she'll never show, now

She wants to fall in love, again
Don't you know that
he's satisfied to own her.
Some days are worse than others
Some days I cannot feel a thing
Someday I might just prove you wrong
Something just might go my way...
So... before he left for overseas, my friend thought enough of my birthday to send me a fucking LES PAUL... I just about fell over on the spot. It was like, "What the fuck are these two huge boxes?" (case, too) - well, like I said, it was an amazing gift from an amazing cat.

Throw in the new Tascam 2488neo I got myself (I usually really don't get shit for my birthday, so I always get myself something and this year, I plunked down a nice chunk on a nice piece of gear)... and I have great big bowls of awesomeness.

I've been doing so much writing the last few months. A lot of it turns to shit... but it's still something... I still miss the muse... but I've turned the loss and anger and confusion and sadness and all that into tangible things that I can at least wrap my head around at times. It's better to get that all out, however I have to do it. Bottling it up felt like it just about killed me... but I still miss. It was pretty awesome in its chaos.
When will this all be over?
How come this never ends?
This room keeps closing in on me
Not much outside that I care to see
This pain could all be over
if I just blinked an eye
Keep holding on to some star that stops me from
washing the world away

Why can't I get through today?
Feelin' blind with only me to blame
Still I find I try to hide
Maybe in time I'll find my way

I find that no one understands me
I feel so all alone
Does anyone feel the way I do?
This pain could all be over
if I just blinked an eye
Keep holding on to some star that stops me from
washing the world away.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Okay... I have gotten to the point where I am absolutely done dealing with someone at work... yes... good ol' Junkie. I was able to deal with it all at first... the stupidity, the immaturity, the absolute disregard for anyone but himself... but it's gotten to the point to where he thinks he's an untouchable, now... because he's managed to lie his way out of all kinds of trouble. Whether I know the truth or not, it's not my responsibility to dole out his punishment for being such a douchebag... nor is it my responsibility to be his babysitter and watch everything he does at all times... I'd never get around to doing my job if all I did was sit and watch him, because he's constantly flaunting the rules that we all have to adhere to...

Well... I hate to say it, but I'm fed up to the point where I'm probably going to have to make him disappear... and I don't want that. I want him to realize what a complete piece of shit he's been... but I just do not see it happening of his own volition... and I hate it for him.

Friday, May 06, 2011

No more gold lights for the queen earth to keep you warm in your kingdoms
High on the waves you make for us
But not since you left have the waves come
The bar is dead and the rocket's rain is keeping you wet in your deathbed
So high on the waves you made for us
And not since you left have the waves come...