Saturday, March 08, 2003

It's Finally Revealed (?)

Welp... All this buildup... all this waiting... and for what? Well... I'm not exactly, sure... is now featuring the pictures he said he would... blah blah blah, cataclysmic flooding... and he points to another site - MOUNTAINSUB.COM - that was allegedly created by "the faction" to divert the true purpose of the "sub" into some "publicity stunt" (which, in fact the WHOLE THING is one big "publicity stunt," but, y'know...)...
...and it's worth pointing out that it all is pointing to Australia and such (which I stated in an earlier post the writer seemed Australian, possibly - although now he's stating he was "vacationing" in Australia - heh)...
So... it all boils down to the fact that he's going to reveal yet MORE information on April 15th... as if he needs to be holding anything back, at this point... blah... letdown? yeah... but I expected it, so I'm not as let down as I could have been, I guess...

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