Wednesday, March 26, 2003

Fox "News"

Okay... I was pretty resigned to the fact that the people at Fox news weren't really all that great a group of journalists, but more like just shills for the Bush administration... but now I'm convinced that they're also a bunch of shmucks... (some of you would also consider "shills for the Bush administration" and "shmucks" to be synonymous)
Flipping through the channels and I stop at Fox News, where they are talking about the US Army Seargent who threw grenades at his own people... The broadcaster says (something to the effect of), "The soldier has been identified as Hasan Akbar. Yeah folks, that's right, Hasan Akbar," and then proceeded to roll their eyes. Um, okay... How about you bias yourself a little more, why don't ya? I'm actually kinda surprised they stopped there and didn't go ahead and accuse him of being a possible Al Qaeda operative... I was pretty insulted by it, actually (as most sensible folks probably were, as well)... Yeah, most of the news is a little bit biased, I'll give you that, but come on... that was just fucking rude... How about you let us jump to our own conclusions, maybe?
Personally, I think the guy will most likely be executed (although he probably deserves to spend the rest of his life in Leavenworth with those really, really scary people), but not because he's a muslim... but because he's the truest form of a traitor.

Hmm... Coalition forces take control of a hospital in a larger Iraqi city... and find several thousand chemical warfare suits and thousands of syringes of atropine (the antidote for certain types of nerve gas)... but... they claim to have no weapons like that, eh? Hmm... Interesting...

In other war news, a US soldier that left his tent in a forward base to go to the latrine some fifteen feet away during one of the sandstorms was reportedly lost for eight hours... That would suck... Thank goodness all the news from the war is not quite so grim...

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