Friday, February 18, 2011

After working thirteen out of the last fourteen... my body just kinda shut down. I don't expect people that haven't done it to know what its like... but it's not easy working nights. It takes a special kind of person... and having the pressure of being "the boss" and having to make all kinds of decisions that affect a business that does a million dollars a week, consistently, and have everything just go smooth as silk... well... it doesn't. It's not easy to do my job... and to do it on a night shift... makes it extra-special cruddy, sometimes. Thirteen out of fourteen days is really rough... throw in the fact that we've got a new big boss in the store and we've been doing extra stuff to make sure that he's happy and all that... then throw in that this was inventory week (a level of Hell that I wouldn't wish on most enemies)... I got home yesterday morning and, like I said, my body just shut down... I got up to pee once... but other than that, I was dead to the world. Wasn't meaning to... I'm sure I pissed a couple people off and my mom called entirely too many times, likely trying to get me to go out and eat... but I didn't want food... I didn't want anything... except sleep... and it was awesome... to just sprawl out and zonk out... not having to set alarms (which I hadn't been hearing very well, lately, due to all the intensity at work just frazzling me to no end)... not doing anything but sleeping. I slept so deep, that I don't remember dreaming about anything, at all (yes, I know I dreamed stuff - you always do - but the depth of my sleep didn't allow for me to remotely be a part of them... which was a bit of a relief of its own). I won't lie... it was awesome.

I've always had people try to get on my case about not wanting to go out and do things on my days off... which I will, sometimes, but... I mean, I try to explain to them, "Take your day, and flip it twelve hours and then see how it goes for ya... and then do what could be considered an extremely strenuous job (both physically and mentally) and see what you feel like doing on your days off." I've heard every argument trying to tell me that I should be just like everyone else and function just like everyone else... but seriously... just try it... and then try to give me grief. Hell, some of 'em should just try working, period...

But anyway... the rest (finally) was great... super-duper, even.