Friday, February 18, 2011

I was working on some of the music for the collaborations I've been working on and I was digging around for some samples to cut into one of the breaks and I came upon a folder on one of my hard drives that had all this music on it... like, music I had totally forgotten I had recorded... most of it from '07-'08... really wild. Some of it was pretty cool. I sent a couple tracks on to one of my musical cohorts/heroes/partners... just like, "No clue where it came from, but check it out." He was pretty impressed, apparently. I just got an email back from him asking how I could "forget about such awesome shit." lol Well, good sir, it's pretty easy, sometimes... sadly.

I guess I should revisit some of them. Sadly, I don't have (or at least can't locate) the individual tracks to import back into the recording software to go from there... but... I did it all once... should be able to do it all, again... but this time, maybe with a little more proper dedication and purpose.

I also need to get my acoustic back out... she's been neglected the past few and she needs some attention... perhaps that's what I'll do tonight, after dinner...