Monday, November 01, 2010

A day of pretty much absolute-zero productivity, yesterday... slept... C called to check on next weekend (although I guess I got something "done," there, because he pointed out who did a song that I've had stuck in my head from work for the last couple weeks - one of his brother's old bands, go figure - lol - now I can get the song out of my head)... slept some more... watched a tiny bit of tv... got worked up over the situation at work a little - let it go, quickly, though... I mean, it's out of my control. If they wanna screw ya, they're gonna screw ya, plain and simple... whether you're at fault for anything or not... if that's how they want it, you're not going to get much say in the matter. It was kinda weird to get grilled about a sketchy co-worker by management, the other night... apparently, there's a bit of a problem with them... and they're actually, finally getting around to noticing... and this is the same co-worker that totally sabotaged my bid at moving on... because they're an insane, petty and vindictive crybaby... if I had done something to them, I could understand it - but this was just drama for the sake of drama. As I've noted on here before, I pretty much stay away from everyone except for my closest friends, there... because it's not worth it to get caught up in the bullshit that goes on among some of the people... they always have to start trouble, because they love to see the drama... if there's no drama, apparently there's nothing good about being there... which, well, that was part of the issue that I was being asked about the other night at work... not regarding me, or anything, though I came really close to bringing up the fact that they were spreading rather malicious shit about me that was not remotely true... but from what it sounded like, they're dealing with the same kind of shit between them and a few other people... so while I feel the desire to clear my name over the issue, now's probably not the best time, because they seem to be aware of it, albeit from another angle. Perhaps when everything comes to light, they'll take a look at my situation and say, "Y'know, we fucked up, there... we had no reason to believe what they said, as crazy as it sounded in the first place, but we did... and we shouldn't have..." Yeah, right, I'll hold my breath. Actually, I'll just wait until a more appropriate time, maybe after the mess has been sorted out with the others, to bring up the stupidity of my personal situation... Yeah, it cost me pretty big time, and I should probably be really pissed about it... but why bother, right now, y'know? They fucked me, they know they fucked me, and if I go making waves about it, they'll fuck me again... because they're not about to act like they made a mistake... ever.

Anyhow, yeah... didn't play at all... I told myself I would play an hour or two, just to get these weird tunings I've been working with under wraps. I looked at the guitars... I thought about the tunings and the music in my head... but I didn't ever get around to actually playing them... which isn't the worst thing in the world, really. I'll make the time before Sunday. And hopefully round two of the clinics will go as smoothly as round one... and I'll get to hang with the goofy fellas and see a free show again, too.

I was hoping to possibly get to spend a little more time with someone this weekend... but it turns out they're not coming home... which... I can dig it... she's got priorities and responsibility (which is far more than I can say for most of our mutual acquaintances - not to mention a member or two of our respective families)... it would have been nice, because the time we spend is always time well spent... in my mind, anyway (and I would guess hers to some degree, too, or else we probably wouldn't have ever spent all those times hanging out, before)... but when you're getting a Masters degree, you should probably devote as much time to that process as possible - it's a pretty big deal... and I'm SURE it's a huge deal for her... so far be it from little ol' me to even think about interfering in something like that. There will be time, should she so choose... hopefully, when she has the time, she will so choose. :)

Ugh... I need to buy that freakin' house and get that mess all over with, too. No escrow, no big wait... just do it... and be done with it... and be happy (again) back in the old neighborhood.