Saturday, October 30, 2010

Hmm... wow... what a nice night.

I mean, I was expecting everything to go nicely and stuff... but... it was really cool... Okay... I've known her for a long time... like, a really long time... and we've always been able to talk about absolutely anything... and we usually do. Tonight was no exception, either... but, there was this new thing about her... I don't know... like... "swagger," or something (to use a term that is poorly and far over/misused in today's vernacular). She was always smart (well, she is the only person I know... the ONLY person... from that part of this area that wasn't consumed with getting high and being a general loser), a little shy-ish acting, totally cute, really funny... a good person, all around... but this version... there's still a tiny little hint of that shyness, there (but I don't mean "wallflower" shy, or anything, I'm talking more like "careful who she opens up to" and such)... but it's become a bit more obvious that she's, like, really smart. She's really good at what she does... or what she's learning to do... or whatever. She hasn't aged a day... not a freakin' day... it's crazy... just... gorgeous. And there's this new thing... like, confidence, about her... I wouldn't exactly describe it as confidence nor remote cockiness, but just a sense of a very assured person, heading in a direction that she wants to head, doing the things that she needs to do to get there... Of course, we talked about a hundred different things, like we always do, and everything was really interesting and despite only having had a couple hours of sleep, today, my attention was riveted... 'cause it was all just so interesting. What she's doing for a living is so cool... and it takes a ton of patience, a lot of skill and a lot of fortitude just to even want to take on something that can be... well, incredibly challenging. I know I couldn't do it... as much as I would want to do something like that, I couldn't do it.

It was a great time... I knew it would be. Of course I did. lol Okay, so I didn't play as nervous as I might have been in the first five minutes... I had no reason to be, as would soon become well apparent. Even if I hadn't spent a lot of time with her in the last several years, we still knew a lot more about each other than a lot, if not most other people... I figured we might sit and talk for an hour or so... four hours later, it felt like there was still tons to talk about... but it was always that way. We could sit in the driveway until all hours of the night and just talk about anything that was on our minds and it never got old... ever. Worth every second. It was silly to even be remotely nervous about seeing her again after all this time... we're the same, great people we always were - lol - in some ways, even better... just maybe with a couple grey hairs, now... it was a really great time. I assure you.