Thursday, October 28, 2010

I'm looking forward to tomorrow.

Someone I think is a really great person is coming into town tomorrow. I hope I can work it out where I can see her for a little while. I haven't seen her in a long time... the last time I had a chance to hang out with her, her uncle and I were still very, very close. Her uncle kinda weirded out on the pills and it became increasingly more difficult to hang out with him. I tried, because I wanted to make some good music with... but every time I tried to make it happen, there was always something else of more importance - the ever-maddening quest for pain pills. It became a bit futile to even address the possibility of doing music with him, anymore, because all everyone cared about was getting high... THEN maybe trying to play music, which really is stonewalled when you're under the influence of opium derivatives. The waning of that relationship kind of curtailed my opportunities to hang out with her... and honestly, that sucked... because, as I said, I really like her.

Anyhow, my mom's coming in town for a few days tomorrow, too... but it shouldn't be an issue to hang out with Ma on any other day, y'know? I want to see my friend. I think the last time I saw her was the morning I arrived back in town after moving back from Colorado. I've missed her... probably more than she knows, but that's not important. I need to do what I can to work it out so we can get together, somewhere. Doesn't matter where, doesn't matter what we do... I just want to see her...