Thursday, July 01, 2010

I've figured out why I really dislike "junkie fuck" at work... well, I figured it out a while ago... but I was "reminded" of it, so to speak... Yeah, he's a junkie dipshit... I know literally tons of 'em... they permeate all aspects of my life... I can deal with that just fine... but... just...

Well, for whatever reason, he thinks he's some big "stud muffin" type... which is douchetastic in its own right... I'm pretty comfortable when it comes to judging what an attractive man is... and this cat is not there, in any fashion... he's a little wormy goofwad with chinpubes that acts like he's incredibly "cool" or whatever (what the hell does that even mean, anymore?) and smart but when you engage him in any type of truly intellectual conversation, he totally falls all over himself (trust me, I've made him do it... just for fun... more than a half dozen times in the last year)... but he was chatting in the back room last night during a tiny lull... going on about this girl at work he's been wanting to go out with... and by "go out with," he merely means he wants to get them drunk or high (or both) and fuck them and then pretend like they don't exist. He makes no bones about it when he refers to other "women" (and I use that term loosely). Like... okay... a little while back, he let one of the younger guys I work with use his phone so the guy could call his girlfriend... and then proceeded to call the girl, himself, a day or so later and start hitting on her... and he tells me this with absolutely no shame, whatsoever (in all fairness, he's a ginger, and we all no that gingers have no soul). I've seen her, she's cute, but nothing worth doing bullshit like that over... especially to a coworker, little goofy kid or not... but he has no morals... he'll hit on anyone that will say "hi" to him... almost as bad as his old cohort "Douchey." In fact, the guy actually had sex with Douchey's former stepmother, whom we also work with... and... I dunno... that's just appalling to think about, in any manner... and the topper was the fact that she did it because he gave her money (she has a bit of a problem, herself)... I'm not really sure who that speaks worse of, honestly. ANYHOW... he was talking about how he "wants to take (this girl) out and show her a good time" and then proceeds to make this air-humping motion (which garnered him the nickname "boxhumper" a long time ago between a few of us for his uncontrollable urge to hump air, boxes, anything handy when he sees, thinks, speaks of a girl)... It sparked a memory of the first night I worked with him (I knew him when he was a little kid across the street from my best friend's house)... He said, "I know how you feel about ("someone" - note: he often mispronounced her name several times to me), but I wanna take her out and, y'know, show her a good time... she just has the biggest tits..." Now a.) how he knows anything about how I feel about anyone... who knows... b.) why any of it is his business... who knows... c.) why he would say that about anyone someone cares about to their face... who knows... but... I told him that he would seriously regret if he ever spoke about her to me, again, in any terms, much less like that. I probably didn't speak a word to him for a couple weeks after that first night back... and then I kind of let it go... and then I was reminded why he's such a choad, last night... I mean, I had no respect for him... and I had negative respect for him when he paid granny to fuck her (if there ever was a sexy woman on earth... this woman is not, or never has been it)... and then he uttered that phrase last night and that shit that he said about her came rushing back into my head... and I bit my tongue... and I took deep breaths... and I left work.

Note: Jim talked to the girl at work, recently, and warned her that if she went out with him, both he and I would never speak to her, again... which was hilarious when she came to me almost crying about it... but she made the mistake of giving him her number, even though she never really wanted to go out with him 'cause she knew what he was like, and now can't get rid of the incessant text messages... her fault...

I'm glad I'm not going to be there, tonight... because I know he is... I mean, it's not like I'm going to confront him about it, anymore... but I just don't want to see his face, today. I'd rather he just go away like Douchey... but I'm not to the point of seeing to that, yet. Douchey was different - there was an immediate issue that needed addressed to make a lot of people much happier... but I think the disease in junkie fuck's body is going to be enough issue for him that soon enough there won't be a need to go any further.