Thursday, June 24, 2010

Leg tattoos are lame... on girls, too, but especially on guys... It seems like there is a mass abundance of goofy idiots walking around with some stupid "tribal" something on their leg. Lame (what the fuck, people? I mean, I do tribal art, but it all actually IS something, not just a bunch of abstract lines and angles and stupidity - you suck).

Sporadic leg tattoos are even more lame... guys, girls, doesn't matter. You see a girl walking with a flower on her foot... a few inches up, a butterfly... a few inches up on the other side, the Tazmanian Devil... another few inches up, a heart... and then... paw prints, or something incredibly lame like that... no flow, no concept... but tons of lame.

Those tattoos on the small of your back (aka, the "tramp stamp" or "jizz target")? Retarded. Don't care what it is... it could be the most beautiful piece of art in the world... but it sucks... just like you.

Neck tattoos are the lamest... Some guy walking around with, like, "Shirley" or something on the side of his neck... or a chick with an ankh on the back of her neck... or anywhere... jesus... stop it.

There was a time when tattoo art was truly symbolic... not too very long ago, really... and they were special. Now, every white trash retard pillhead piece of shit has a full sleeve... but can't afford proper clothing for their children... or shampoo.

Just so you know, you're not cool... you're lame. You're not the "individual" you think you're trying to be... you're a sheep trying to make people think you're cool... but you're not. You're just like all the rest. It used to be cool... but it's not, anymore. I mean, tattoos are cool... if they mean something... if they are significant... but this whole "random tattoo madness wherever you think it will look 'cool'" that you're doing... stop.