Sunday, July 04, 2010


...after being told what I was told the other day, I'm kinda surprised they hadn't arrested him when he showed up in town, much less that they hadn't by last night, even... that whole roving wiretap thing is weird. Using a piece of legislature designed as counterterrorism to track drug fools is kind of silly, but legal, apparently. It wasn't what it was designed for but the government is... well, they're kinda fucked up like that.

I'm still kinda confused as to why I'm still even in the loop on all of this crap, anymore, after I told people in no uncertain terms that I didn't want to be... it's like hey, I did what I had to do to protect one person... my interest in the dealings of others, no matter the relation, is essentially nonexistent unless it directly affects that one person... and it's not... well, that's not exactly true, but in the big picture, they're just a teeny, tiny fragment of a piece of a little bigger piece of a much bigger piece of the big cookie... it's grown people, capable of making their own choices and bearing the prices of those decisions - they have to deal with what they choose, just as every living being does. I mean, is she still making bad choices? Sure, but unless they go back on their word, she's not going to have to go through what the rest are facing. Health is (potentially) fixable... criminal records that follow you around for the rest of your life are not. None of them are little kids, anymore. They can't get mommy & daddy to fix their issues, anymore. I guess some people never quite "grow up" and behave like real adults. They'll always lay responsibility at someone else's feet... but y'know, parents have limits, too... even not so super-great ones. Everyone has a breaking point... self-preservation, even of an image, is a very real, very strong persuader.

I dunno... like I said, I'm a bit surprised (as much as I am surprised at the stupid choices that the same not-really-all-that-stupid people continue to make on a continual basis)... but that's making me think the watchers just have bigger plans... which is a pretty scary thought. :\