Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Had a good day, yesterday. Power-sleep... power-guitar... tracked some decent stuff... It needs a little more spit n polish, though, before I make it available for listening pleasure.

As angsty as I've been feeling, lately... I feel pretty good. I've been able to channel it all properly and not let it get the best of me; I've been getting the best of it, actually. I'm looking forward to making more good music for myself... in the end, I really don't care who hears it. Yeah, it's nice to get good feedback from it, because it lets me know that I'm on the right track. I spent a long time doing a lot of acoustic instrumental music that I really liked, a lot. The last batch I ever did was by far the best... and that's because I had some help from a really, sincerely special person who didn't have to do anything but be who she was to me... for me. It was some really powerful stuff... and I'm as proud of the results as I've ever been of anything I've ever done in thirty years of playing guitar... and I'm very thankful that she could be the inspiration for it, all. And now, to take the flip side of that coin... the anger and the frustration (and even that likely forlorn "hope") that came from it all, and turn it into something entirely different... I don't know what the future could ever hold for that part of my life, anymore... but I have channeled it into something I can wrap my head around... at least...

...and some of the guitars and rhythms are just plain sick nasty...

Oh, well... y'do what y'gotta do...

Off to the 'nato in a couple hours... looking forward to a good time with good people... I'll be at the Taft around 6:30 or so... if you're around, c'mon by. I'd love to see ya and say hey.