Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Off today... gonna squeeze some more guitar in before I crash for a few...

"Now y'got me all irritated so I'm gonna play it like a MAN... 'cause I got crow's feet, bitches!"

I love feeling edgy and shit when I play... it brings out a really aggressive side to my playing... impressive riffs bouncing off bold, dynamic drums... it gets pretty intense after a while... and I love it... makes me glad to be angry at people every once in a while... cause it brings out some really neat rhythms.

Lots to do, today. Gonna be a fun next couple days.

So come try to rob my house again while I'm in Cincinnato, tomorrow... you'll have a really humorous surprise waiting for you if you do. Well, really humorous for me, anyway. Probably a little less so for you. Inflicting deserved pain (of whatever varieties) on people can have its good sides, too. ;)