Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I did something the other day that I haven't done in many, many years... I drank a Mountain Dew with dinner. After I finished it, I quickly remembered why I quit drinking it all those years ago... because it doesn't taste good... at all. In fact, it tastes quite bad. Blecch, even.

Sunday, January 28, 2007

I came across THIS SITE the other day... have to say, it's one of the funniest things I've found thus far in 2007... I mean, some of the girls are kind of cute (many of them really aren't all that, or even a bag of chips)... the text leaves a bit to be desired (well, some of the haiku are pretty funny)... but the guys are truly what make the site... Everyone knows these guys... faux-"metrosexual" *shudder* dweebs in (mostly) horrible attire, hitting poses that strike fear into the hearts of normal men (and women), everywhere. Don't you wish you could be as cool as these guys obviously are trying very hard to make you believe they are?

Saturday, January 27, 2007

I have a couple things I wanna post about... but I can't really until I get my camera back from one of the guys at work (a friend of mine's old house burned down the other day and the guy at work lives right by it, so I asked him to go take some pictures for me to send to my friend (who now lives in Vermont)).

Well, there are a couple other things I could post about... but I don't know if I really wanna get into it, at the moment... I'm not sure how it will go over, so I should probably just keep it to myself and think it all through some more before I start talking about it "out loud," so to speak.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Since I got my archives back (with a simple, clever little snip of code)... I've been sitting here going back and reading some old posts... (Something I've noticed is that some posts that have comments don't reflect having them on the page)


You called me "honey..." So unlike you...

Thank you... Three-plus years late, mind you... but nonetheless...

Jesteś tak piękna.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

That dream makes me think of this song a lot, too (although "Secret Journey" was actually in the dream):

"Rien de dormir cette nuit
Je veux de toi jusqu'à ce que je sois sec
Mais nos corps sont tout mouillés
complètement couvert de sueur
Nous nous noyons dans la marée
Je n'ai aucun désir
Tu as ravagé mon coeur
et moi, j'ai bu ton sang

Mais non pouvons faire ce que nous voulons
j'aurai toujours faim de toi

Tout le monde est à moi
Je l'ai gagné dans un jeu de cartes
Et maintenant je m'en fous
C'était gagné trop facilement
Ça y est alors ma belle traîtresse
Il faut que je brûle de jalousie
Tu as ravagé mon coeur
et moi, j'ai bu ton sang

Mais non pouvons faire ce que nous voulons
j'aurai toujours faim de toi

J'aurai toujours faim de toi..."

(pardon the possible poor French skills)
"Upon a secret journey
I met a holy man
His blindness was his wisdom
I'm such a lonely man

And as the world was turning
It rolled itself in pain
This does not seem to touch you
He pointed to the rain

And on the days that followed
I listened to his words
I strained to understand him
I chased his thoughts like birds

You will see light in the darkness
You will make some sense of this
And when you've made your secret journey
You will find this love you miss..."

One of my absolute most favorite songs, ever (which includes another song from the same band that most people have probably never heard - two, actually, all three from the same album... well, one song is actually an outtake from it, but still (edit: actually, that whole album is one of the most awesome things ever recorded))... Makes me feel 12, again... I don't know why it came to me this morning (in a dream)... well... yes I do... but I woke up from an incredibly deep sleep at about 10 and haven't been able to get it out of my head, since... I tried playing it... then playing it on my guitar... walked around downtown for a while... still with me...

My brain is fuckin' awesome, sometime.
About 20 years ago, a friend of mine (who I still talk with all the time) and I always did this thing... where we would mix up those old sayings... "Put an egg in your shoe and beat it..." "Make like a tree and leave..." "Make like a banana and split..." and all those... So it would be like, "Put an egg in your shoe and split," "Make like a banana and beat it..." One day, I said, "Well, I'm gonna make like a tree and get the fuck out of here..." That has stuck around, to this day...

So, I was watching a clip from "The Boondock Saints," here, and in the first five minutes of the movie, an old bartender (apparently with Tourette's) who gets his sayings confused uttered that very same sentence... Now I feel like whenever I say that, people are gonna think I copied it (20 years ago) from a movie (that came out in '99) I haven't seen a frame of (until tonight)... Oh, well... I didn't... so, there.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

There we go... sweet shoes... I told you so...

I remember him having that tool set... I think I broke the hammer... I broke a lot of shit of his...

Note... on the stack of records in the corner... on top... oh, yeah... Stan Kenton Christmas... of course.

Also note... groovy professor owl.

Last note... again... apparently recovering from falling down... I must've done that a lot, too.
Here's a pic where we kind of look alike (after a bit of restoration), I guess... roughly the same age (click it to see me in all my navy jumper glory)... with her dad... and one of our cats (Woody) going for "de rrreebon..." Apparently, I am in the midst of trying to pump up... or falling over, possibly... Wish you could see the shoes... they were awesome.

I think she looks like her mom, but that's just me.

Monday, January 15, 2007

I am told that she and I resemble each other... or at least when I was a little kid like that, anyway... um... sans the blonde hair and all, of course... I guess I can see it.

"From one island to another
Winds shifting
Currents cover
The navigations
These separations
Rowing home alone

A beach
A blazing fire
Lighthouse eyes
Nighttime desire
She walks alone
Skips a stone
From one island to another

So what have I to give her
Stars shine
Waves whisper
The constellations
One island to another..."

"I found my loco girl again
All still, no word for where she'd been
I sense the memories on her skin
Like broken glass had broke her in
and I in exile recognize a friend

These chains grow stronger every year
Will she defect or disappear?
This world can hold her in sway
Maybe she'll take me there someday
When I find my loco girl again..."

Friday, January 12, 2007

A sandwich walks into a bar and tries to order a double scotch. The bartender looks at the sandwich and says, "Sorry buddy, we don't serve food here..."

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I made a friend at work, last night...
From the looks of her, she was either lost, or dropped off...
Her coat was extremely soft... no funk... she was in good health and all... indoor cat... just cold and hungry... I bought some cat treats at lunch and she scarfed them down, happily...

We hung out and I let her get warm in my lap... One of the girls at was going to take her home when she got off after me.

Monday, January 01, 2007

My niece (Violet) and I were hanging out the other day, watching "Hello, Kitty."

At one point, she asked me to take a picture of her ear (maybe so she could see what it looks like?)... so I obliged.