Wednesday, January 17, 2007

About 20 years ago, a friend of mine (who I still talk with all the time) and I always did this thing... where we would mix up those old sayings... "Put an egg in your shoe and beat it..." "Make like a tree and leave..." "Make like a banana and split..." and all those... So it would be like, "Put an egg in your shoe and split," "Make like a banana and beat it..." One day, I said, "Well, I'm gonna make like a tree and get the fuck out of here..." That has stuck around, to this day...

So, I was watching a clip from "The Boondock Saints," here, and in the first five minutes of the movie, an old bartender (apparently with Tourette's) who gets his sayings confused uttered that very same sentence... Now I feel like whenever I say that, people are gonna think I copied it (20 years ago) from a movie (that came out in '99) I haven't seen a frame of (until tonight)... Oh, well... I didn't... so, there.