Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I've been thinking about a couple things regarding Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith... Well, one big flaw-thing...
After watching it a few more times... I just have to wonder... Okay, Anakin Skywalker basically turns to the Dark Side for one sole reason - he is haunted by a dream where his wife dies for some mysterious reason... Chancellor Palpatine (a.k.a. "Darth Sidious," a.k.a. "the Emperor") says that the Dark Side can teach ways to save life that he couldn't learn being a Jedi. SO, Anakin pledges himself to the Dark Side - in order to save his wife's life. So, WHY, near the end of the movie, does he try to choke her to death? I'm sure many of the "hardcore" folks would try to say that he was already "too deep" or whatever into the Dark Side... If that is the case, then WHY (after he is turned into a burning stump in the fight with Obi-Wan and then transformed into the Darth Vader that we all know and love) is the first thing out of his mouth, "What about Padme? Is she all right?" If he was so immersed into the Dark Side, why would he give a shit? ... You see what I'm saying, here? He only joined the Dark Side to try to save his wife... then tried to kill her... then asked if she was okay... IT DOES NOT MAKE SENSE!!!

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