Sunday, June 26, 2005

I saw Batman Begins last night. Fantastic... period.

I only had a couple "issues" with the movie, but they were overshadowed by everything else good about it... My big gripe is the same gripe I've had since they started making Batman movies - where is his gun? I mean, no, Batman doesn't carry a gun... anymore... but in the old Detective Comics way back when... when he first started out, he strapped a .45 to his waist. But, considering the particular story angle they went with for the movie, I can understand why he doesn't carry a gun. But still... I want my gun-totin' superhero, damnit.

I always knew that Christian Bale was gonna be one of those "star" things after I saw him in American Psycho. I also liked the movie Equilibrium with him quite a bit, too... well... I think I liked the premise of the movie (futuristic society, emotions are illegal) more than the actual movie, but still... Bale really gets into his roles. He pulled off a pretty good Bruce Wayne. (kinda sad to say that Adam West is only the third best Batman, now... behind Bale and Michael Keaton)

I think he's cool. I'd drink with the guy... as long as he didn't start talking about how Huey Lewis & the News were the seminal '80s music act... because then I would know that there's an axe or a chainsaw hidden somewhere - which would spook me.

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