Tuesday, November 11, 2003

There's actually a law here in Colorado called the "Make My Day" law...

...and it was used in a rather heinous way, earlier today...
Okay... The "Make My Day" law states that a person is allowed to use "any force necessary, including deadly force" if someone enters your house without your permission... There was a law similar to that in Ohio, but in order for "deadly force" to apply, you have to be reasonably certain that your life is in imminent danger, or else if you kill someone in your house, it's not justified... see?
So, guy #1 has a dog... it barks... Guy #2 lives next door... he doesn't like guy #1's dog, nor it's bark... so he shoots guy #1's dog... Guy #1 is enraged... Guy #1 grabs a stick from his yard (probably not his best move, but still, guy #2 just killed his dog) and goes to guy#2's house... Upon arriving on guy #2's front porch (not unlawfully entering the house, mind you), guy #2 shoots and kills guy #1... The DA of wherever this all took place refused to charge guy #2 for any crime, citing the "Make My Day" law...

This is the one of the most ridiculous, ludicrous things I have ever heard of in my life...

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