Thursday, November 13, 2003

Okay... More Shit to Gripe About

There's a law in Ohio where you're not allowed to drive a car and talk on a cell phone unless you are using a hands-free device... So I come to Fort Collins, and everyone and their mothers talk on their cellphones and drive at the same time... apparently there is no such law in Colorado (but there's a law that says you can kill people on your front porch).
Dont get me wrong... I love my cellphone. It comes in quite handy at times, not to mention the WAP browser that helps me find my way around a rather big town that I've only lived in for two and a half months. But everywhere I turn, some little 18 year-old college girl has her cellphone glued to her ear with one hand, engaged in a deep conversation about eye liner or something, and trying to drive a car with the other. I've seen a few near-wrecks by these exact same people in recent days, and I think it's ridiculous. You think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not... at least every fourth car contains a driver on a cell phone... I say it's time that Colorado jump on the hands-free bandwagon. I mean, there's already public smoking bans everywhere, in an attempt to save lives, apparently, how about trying to save a few more?

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