Tuesday, November 11, 2003

That South Park About Starbucks is Too True

When I first saw the South Park that was about Starbuck's trying to buy out Tweak's parent's coffee shop, I thought it was a hoot... they made it out like there was a Starbucks on every other corner out here...
Well, I come to find out by moving here that it's oh, so true... There is a Starbucks on every other corner here in Fort Collins (which isn't all that far away from South Park, actually - well, closer to North Park, but y'know...)... not to mention that Starbucks is now the coffeeshop that inhabits the Barnes & Noble bookstore... I swear, one popped up overnight inside a Wells Fargo building... there's probably a dozen of them just on the main drag (College Avenue), alone... fuckin' crazy...
Makes me glad I don't drink coffee...

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