Sunday, November 09, 2003

Y'know, I always liked the first Crow movie, even with some of the discrepencies with the original James O'Barr comics... I thought the story was incredibly good, the movie artwork was done really well, and Brandon Lee was a great pick for the role... However... What in the name of all that is sacred was that Crow 2 shit??? Could they at least picked a guy that spoke some semblance of english? Okay, Iggy Pop was in it... but that couldn't keep the movie from sucking royally... Decent premise, poor execution... There was a Crow 3 made, I think, too... straight to video... I can't imagine how much it sucks, and I'm not about to find out... I remember trying to get into the TV series (Stairway to Heaven), too, but it sucked on equal par with this crappy thing on my TV... Thank Maynard it's time for South Park...

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