Wednesday, June 15, 2011

So... before he left for overseas, my friend thought enough of my birthday to send me a fucking LES PAUL... I just about fell over on the spot. It was like, "What the fuck are these two huge boxes?" (case, too) - well, like I said, it was an amazing gift from an amazing cat.

Throw in the new Tascam 2488neo I got myself (I usually really don't get shit for my birthday, so I always get myself something and this year, I plunked down a nice chunk on a nice piece of gear)... and I have great big bowls of awesomeness.

I've been doing so much writing the last few months. A lot of it turns to shit... but it's still something... I still miss the muse... but I've turned the loss and anger and confusion and sadness and all that into tangible things that I can at least wrap my head around at times. It's better to get that all out, however I have to do it. Bottling it up felt like it just about killed me... but I still miss. It was pretty awesome in its chaos.