Monday, August 22, 2011

Life is good.

Actually... life is awesome.

All because of a big mistake I made twenty years ago... well, maybe not exactly "because" of the mistake, but if I hadn't made it, I wouldn't be where I am, today.

I left her because I knew I'd hurt her... possibly the most-noble thing a twenty-two year-old piece of shit could do. I knew it was a mistake as soon as I did it because I really liked her... it wasn't the typical "I like this girl" thing I was accustomed to... I guess that's why I did it... because I knew I'd hurt her. I had gotten out of a particularly shitty relationship a couple years prior... one that cost me my best friend, who really wasn't any kind of friend, at all, and left some pretty deep wounds that would take a long time to heal over. I was an angry guy... and I was going to reap a lot of victims along the way to heal.

Time marched on... one lousy relationship after another for twenty years... aimless... pointless. I had just given up. Too many scars.

Through the most chance of chances... out of the blue... there she is...

I couldn't drive by a few places in town without thinking about her... yeah, even after all this time... I would drive by these places, even after all these years, and her face would enter my head, immediately. I wondered how she was... if she was happy... if I hadn't done what I did all that time ago, if things could have been any different.

Through the most chance of chances... out of the blue... there she is...

I found her, again... well... she found me.
...and life is truly awesome. Truly.