Friday, April 08, 2011

I went into work, last night... and it was my night off...


Yeah, that's what it's been like, lately... a little chaotic... sometimes, I just don't know my head from... well, you know.

So what did I do? I clocked out, rented three movies, came home... and promptly fell back asleep. Irritating.

In other news, I was originally going to start some work on a couple remixes of songs for a friend this week... but I've just got too much going on to pay it proper attention. I'm hoping to maybe get started on them in the next few weeks, perhaps. I'm still working on movie cues... because they're being really slow about filming their movie... which is fine by me... because I'm getting less into it the longer it drags on. I'm also restoring some old, damaged photos for some people. I've done lots of that over the years, but one of these photos is really damaged... to the point of having to do things like redraw clouds and things like that... okay so it won't be quite the "original" photos, but it'll be a shit-ton better than the things they gave me, anyway. And then, there's my never-ending quest to make music of my own... which comes and goes... currently, it's in the former stage... which is irritating, because I work way too much and when I get home, I don't get much time to spend on it... and then I do stupid shit like sleep my days off away...