Thursday, March 10, 2011

One step closer to the new house... finally. Starting to get a little exciting. Upstairs is definitely office-worthy... and one section of the basement is already almost perfectly set up for music-related stuff... but there's two bedrooms on the main floor, already... one of which could easily be made into a main multimedia room... I think, anyway. After talking to Spanklin for a bit, wireless streaming throughout the house would be a cinch. Seeing as the eMac is already set up as my "jukebox" of sorts, just need a decent receiver and maybe something like a PS3 for Hulu Plus (which I thoroughly enjoy to the hilt) and Netflix... or even a Roku player would work. It would free up the computers for better things... but I have too many computers, as it is... using one as a dedicate server for the house wouldn't be the worst thing, I guess.

Blah blah blah... anyway... it's getting there. I realized it when I started looking through CB2 and IKEA catalogs. Feels pretty okay, yeah.