Friday, November 12, 2010

You're 100% correct...

What I do... who I do it with... why I do it... who I give a shit about... who I don't give a shit about... none of your concern. I'm not meaning that to come across as harshly as it sounds... let me explain. I told you before, when you or your friends come on here, you'll read shit you don't want to read... and furthermore, sometimes you'll read into shit things that aren't there. This is not a place for you, right now... Look, I'm truly sorry you're in the situation you're in. It's very saddening to know that you've tolerated what you have for so long. I hope it works out for you in the best possible way, very quickly... I honestly do... but I have nothing whatsoever to do with it. I didn't put you there... and I'm not going to get you out of there. If I had been a better person twenty-five years ago, maybe things would be a lot different... but I wasn't... I was an asshole. I've only recently really figured out who I am... and it wasn't easy... and I don't like a lot of the things that I've seen myself capable of, over the years... I've wished people dead and sat back and watched it happen... in hindsight, that's a pretty horrible thing (no shit, huh?), but at the time, it was who I was... well, not so much really "who I was" but "where I was..." time moved on, some things changed and some things never changed... it took someone ripping my insides out and making me wish I, myself, was dead instead to come to see where I am... and who I am... and I'm going to talk about it all, here... and I'm going to talk about them... and I'm going to put it all to music and words and imagery on here... and I'm going to talk about wishing I could turn back the clock just a matter of a few minutes and do just one little thing differently so that maybe I wouldn't have to have lived the past couple years of complete and utter Hell that it can sometimes be just to take a breath... and I'm going to talk about the people that make me not want to sit around and hate myself for watching it happen... and I'm going to talk about wanting to spend more time around them so that I will dislike myself less and start caring about the person that I know that I am and feel like I'm not crazy... that it is okay for me to care so much about someone that obviously cares a lot about me, but was afraid to drop their guard and show it... but what you need to understand is that you shouldn't be a part of that... because all it ever does is cause more problems... and you have a big enough problem to deal with, right now. I'm sorry. I just don't want you making me into another problem for you. So please, do yourself a favor and stay away from here. It will make things much more pleasant between us rather than the goofy roller coaster you can turn it into by thinking things that you shouldn't.