Wednesday, November 17, 2010


What a decision I have to make... I've talked to two rather important people about it, so far... do I stick around and take the open (yet again... after one... count it... one night) job, buy the house I want and live quietly... or chuck it all and leave to work with a great guy I would not only consider a friend but one of my true heroes? One would think the answer would be really simple - get the fuck out... right? But, it's just never that simple. If I leave... how long can I count on working with him? Ten years? Ten months? The latter, while ten months of heaven, leads of course to the question, "Then what?" And if I stay, and not take a chance that ten years ago I wouldn't have hesitated for a second to take... do I want to settle for the mediocrity that comes with anything around this area?

Ugh... just... ugh.