Saturday, November 13, 2010

I really need to play, this morning... but too much to do tonight... sadly, I need to sleep... Okay, not "sadly," so much... I loves me some sleep... but with work, it doesn't leave time for much in between... but... I really need to play, this morning. Well... hmm... it's only 10:00... maybe I can sneak in an hour or two... and sleep for an hour or two less. I need to do some more arranging on the movie cues, too... but I really need to see some more of it to get a better feel of where I'm heading with some of it... I know what's going on, but you can't really put the cues together without something to actually cue them... eh... maybe I'll have some more scenery in my box later on... they know I'm waiting for it, anyway.

Yeah, fuck it... I'll play guitar for an hour or so and see if I can get that which is within... without? lol
