Tuesday, October 05, 2010

I was thinking... I've been being a little hard on Junkie... I mean, he can't help who he is... well, he most definitely can help it, but... he just makes incredibly shitty choices... but... as much as I can seem so, I'm not completely heartless. I have compassion... but I have a pretty low tolerance for idiocy... especially from adults. A person has to know better... yet...

I've sat and watch people really, really close to me die, far too young, as a result of poor decisions. God knows, I've made plenty of bad choices on any number of topics... luckily, I usually realize my mistakes and do my best to learn from them. Yeah, most people say that, but not as many actually do. Yes... Junkie fucked up. He's let drugs and (not particularly very attractive) girls get the better of his judgment and his obligations to a group of people that need him around. It pissed a lot of people off... and I'm pretty sure that there's a guy I know that really wants to hurt him, now, because he just has to hit on anyone that says hello and smiles at him... friends/boyfriends be damned.

So, putting his inability to decide the best course of action aside, maybe Junkie needs a chance at redemption... but could he succeed? Well... good question. I always try to give people the benefit of the doubt... and it usually always reminds me why I have virtually no faith in humanity. His massive attention-craving, underfed ego... his desire to "conquest" (why he can't choose to pursue a girl who is actually single rather than always having to go after other people's (even his own "friends'") girlfriends)... combined with the desire to always be high will likely be his downfall. I have no idea why I talked Josh out of smearing him all over the pavement a while back... well, I didn't want to see Josh lose his job over something that was more of an issue between him and his (then-)girlfriend... but... I need to weigh the "help vs. harm."

As I've said before, there are times when he's not a bad guy... there are times when he's rather "normal," and tolerable and easy to be around and helpful and all that... but there are a lot of times when he's out of control... and I don't know if needing the good guy in him around is worth the chances of the bad guy showing up in its place.

Ehh... I don't know... maybe I should make a couple calls and hope for the best. Second chances are hard to come by... and I'm not saying he deserves it... but maybe he needs it... and if he blows it, it's his own fault... not anyone else's around him. He can't use his ex-wife or his kid or anything else as an excuse... it's all on him at that point...

Second chances are hard to get... I know if I had a second chance at a couple of things... well... yeah.

I don't know... maybe.