Saturday, May 15, 2010

I slept two hours, yesterday... and haven't slept yet, today... I can't get comfortable. I drift into "almost sleep" for, like, five minutes and then come out of it and can hear every little sound... and then slowly drift back into "almost sleep," again for another five minutes... and it just repeats itself over and over. I can't find a way to lay that feels "right."

I'm irritated... and not the good, potentially-productive kind, either. I've got something on the brain... I know, I know... it's ridiculous. I get it under control and then it sneaks back up on me. I make it make sense and then I get caught up in it, again. I made it all go away, before... it went away... What the hell, man? And it's not like I'm not in control of it... I totally am... but... I'm letting it happen.

Shit... damnit... shit.