Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I feel really bad for someone at work... let's call her "Turner." See, Turner got shit on in a major way by the love of her life, just as soon as her back was turned the tiniest bit. It's really unfortunate, because she's a really good person. Why this guy would cheat is beyond me; this girl is freakin' gorgeous... I don't mean that "cute" gorgeous, either... more like the kind of gorgeous that if I were twenty years younger... who am I kidding? If I were twenty days younger, I would totally be throwing myself at her... but I'm not, so whatever. She's intelligent, she has a very endearing personality, very friendly, "proper" (when she first told me of said "shitting-on," it was kind of funny watching her dance around certain subjects she thought might not be the most "appropriate," or whatever, but I understand it... if I had been her friend for a while, I'm sure it would be different, but as it is, I'm just some old goof she works with). It really sucks that she's getting herself a taste of what complete and utter dicks guys can be to girls... even to really great girls. Yeah, I know, it goes both ways, but guys are just such incredible assholes, anymore... and I would know... I'm a guy... and I hang around a lot of guys... and sometimes, I just have to go, "what the fuck?" at some of the things I see them do. It's quite the unfortunate event, because now she has to walk around with this bad taste in her mouth, knowing that someone she really cared about was capable of doing something really low to her and what she thought was a really great relationship she had thrown her whole heart into.

Welcome to the real world...

When I was their age, I'm pretty sure I wasn't the greatest guy in the world... I was just out for myself, damn the torpedoes and wherever they may be aimed... I was a complete blithering idiot... but I never cheated on a girlfriend. I've just never had that kind of thing in me. If I was no longer interested in the person I was with, if it had "run its course," or whatever, or if I was interested in someone besides the person I was with, I just ended the relationship... most of the time, yeah, it blew up in my face, but I wasn't going to be a cheater. I'm just not "that guy." I'm pretty sure I screwed up the greatest thing I ever had in my life at that time because I lost sight of what I really wanted... and I was young and a complete blithering idiot.

The bad part for Turner is that she has to deal with a guy who is now resorting to some of the most childish, ridiculous behavior... well, it's apparent she'd rather not deal with it, but he seems to think it's a good idea to act all threatening towards her, like it was her fault that he did what he did, and desire to flaunt this new floozy in her face and all kinds of total nonsense bullshit. She's going to take that bad taste around with her for a while. I'm kind of afraid she's going to be a little vulnerable for a bit... and, of course, there will be droves of douchebags lined up to take advantage of it. She's pretty smart, though. Hopefully she'll recognize the "predator douche" as they start crawling out of the woodwork... The good part for her is that the pain she's feeling towards it all will go away... and she will move on with her life and find someone much more worthy of her care. I know she wants this guy to hurt like she does, but the best "revenge" she can get is to forget how good she was to him in return for what he did to her, remember who she is, that she is not to blame for his actions, and know that her future will be a better one without someone that would do something so... shitty.