Saturday, December 05, 2009

It's been a week since Douchey went *poof*... I have to say, one of the better moves... everyone is sorta getting along, again (well, in that "I will talk shit about everyone behind their back but will at least smile to their face and work a little harder than I did when I saw his dead ass goldbricking" kind of way)... Voodoo is definitely a little less stressed, now (he told me about how he was really close to losing his job over him... and that's really impressive to consider... considering Voodoo, and all - you could tell he was eating away on his last nerve, but it's not like he could just fire him, willie-nillie... but... if Douchey just "went away," problem solved... for a lot of people, not just Voodoo). Overall, just a better feel. Oh, it will be short-lived, because someone else will take his place as the shit-disturber (like Woody & Beavis, and Drunkiepoo (and, subsequently, Drunkiepoo Too), and Baby-Killer, and all the others that came before him)... hopefully I'll be out of there in a couple weeks, anyway... then, I'll care even less than I do, now.

Thursday night was kind of eventful. There's a guy working there... decent guy... or so it seemed... but it turns out he's a wife-beater. The cousin of said wife works with him, too... and found out about it. I was standing there, listening to the "escalation" and it was pretty choice. My two best friends, there, come out for lunch and I'm like, "Hey, there's gonna be a brawl," and tell them what I heard. Wife-beater guy is kinda small, and Wife's-cousin is a lot bigger... so it could get ugly. Cousin goes and talks to Voodoo and has his coat and says he's done for the night and will probably lose his job in the morning because he's going to beat this guy... then proceeds to go buy some groceries... then proceeds to pace around the front for what seems like hours... I go to leave and I don't see Cousin anywhere, so I'm thinking maybe he cooled off and left, or was at least going to take care of this personal matter somewhere besides there (turns out, he was in the lot with a friend, waiting for Wife-beater)... I'm heading out and in walk two cops... one of them, one of the freakin' captains... pretty big deal, I'm thinking at this point. I'm good friends with both of them, so I ask the Cap'n, "What the fuck are you doing out at 5am?" to which he replies, "Making seventy-five bucks an hour..." lol Touche. So, I talk to them both for a while as Voodoo tries to wake up Dad and give him the lowdown... Anyhow, much longer story short, both parties were escorted from the lot and nothing happened (I'm still trying to figure out who called the cops, though)... but Cousin was fired up... and I can't say that I blame him. I have pretty low tolerance for people that come at girls like a man... but he probably handled it a little on the wrong side... and both of them are losing their jobs over it, now... perfect timing... but that's life... their life, anyway.