Monday, December 07, 2009

Another, gone... Steve... no... Stubie... lots of crazy nights in that fucking car (how did we miss that pole, man?)... lots of fun at Mark's... and in Scott's basement (I remember how you always loved running that lightboard)... Every time I saw you at the Knights with the ol' man, it never failed that one of us would bring up some of the insane shit we did and lived to tell about it. Every time you came by the house or went to Pizza Hut with us, Ma would always tell me what a nice guy you were... 'cause... well, you were... of course, she never got to hear about us leaving Pizza Hut and getting tore up... from the floor up (I said stop, wait a minute, now, hold up?). Well, it wouldn't have changed the fact that you were a good guy... maybe a bit "corrupting" (haha), but hey - you kept me out of more trouble than you ever got me into.

I'm sorry it had to happen this way. No matter what, I'll always have a "whole lotta love" for you.

Rest well, young man,

"Jimmy Page"