Monday, November 09, 2009

This week marks nine months since I've drank (well, save one Sierra Nevada Pale Ale at a party in New York in August, but damnit, I was just thirsty). It's not like I really drank a whole lot in recent years, but it feels good to eliminate it from "things that could potentially be really bad." My dad was just a few years older than me when he had his first stroke. It ruined his life - both the stroke and drinking, in general... and drinking definitely brought it to a very premature conclusion. I still have a lot of life in me and a lot to do with it... and I'd like to be this person as long as I can so that I can do it all to the best of my ability. The biggest thing I have going for me in life is just "me..." and I hope that I can put it all to good use for the present and the future... of "me." lol