Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I've always felt that hating someone is one thing, but just not caring about them anymore is far worse... I mean, to me. To hate something... or someone... implies caring enough to have a hatred for it, or them, or whatever. And it's usually not a case for me to hate first, then not care; they stand as two separate kinds of things. Like, I "hate" the way a lot of guys treat the women in their lives... but I generally "don't care" about the guys... generally. They could get run over by a milk truck and I wouldn't feel anything for them (I guess in some cases, I would feel some satisfaction for them getting something that they deserve for being the douchebags that they are). I have a rather small circle of "friends" that I really care about, and a huge circle of "acquaintances" that... well... I dunno.

I'm close to adding people to the "don't care at all" list... it kind of surprises me a little bit... but then again, it doesn't... at all. I thought maybe I would just "hate" them, but the more I realize about me, the more I realize that I won't hate them... I'll just stop caring in any fashion or form. They don't care about me, at all, so why should I care enough to hate them for who they really are? Oh, that's right... I don't.