Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Two days off... in a row... Unprecedented... Don't know what to do with all the time... Well, today was "laundry day," which, y'know... Everyone has to do it... I don't mind it, at all. So that took up most of the day... Watched some cool "Classic Album" stuff on VH-1 Classic (Fleetwood Mac's Rumors and Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon), so that's always a plus.

Not sure what to do, tomorrow... Wouldn't mind giving a lesson in the evening. Will probably have to wait and just give guitar lessons Thursday before work, instead... as usual.

Don't know... Will probably just end up sitting around and just enjoying the fact that I don't have to go to work... 'cause that's how I roll... or somethin'.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Those crazy Chinese... I tell ya... And yeah, the inner box is truly attractive.
Being ill at work sucks... I forgot how annoying a runny nose could be until I had to look down every few seconds... for about eight hours...

So, I went the Zicam route... I figured it was better for my blood pressure (I check it every now and then and what used to be pretty normal has turned into what might be described as "pre-prehypertension." That is, it's just elevated a tad... which might be the new "normal" for me... I mean that whole 120/80 thing was kinda abandoned some years back as being the "normal" standard... Just like everything, I'm sure it depends more on the person than anything else). Anyhow, it seems that Zicam is basically a couple forms of zinc... I was going to get the q-tip-type devices that you stick up your nose, but opted for the melty-lozenge-type devices... They say they're "citrus-flavored," which they are, but they're more chaky like a three year-old regular Tums, or something... and they kinda make my mouth and throat feel strange while they dissolve (they're probably radioactive or something)... It didn't really do much for me while I was at work... I was too busy working my ass off to relax and try to feel any kind of better... So I was pretty miserable, but now, after being home a while and having another melty lozenge thing, I guess I may feel a little better... And a good thing about it is that, like, I'm not sitting here feeling my heartbeat in my fingertips from Comtrex... So, after some time where I wasn't sure it was doing anything... I think it may... MAY be doing something, after all. I hope so, because that shit was sure expensive.

What sucks worse than being ill at work is being ill on a day off... If I didn't have to teach in the evening, I'd probably just stay in bed all day and drink orange juice and watch tv... but I can't... because people need to learn and I need to show them some of the things I know...

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I figured it was only a matter of time before I got sick... Caught a minor cold from someone at work... Head stuffy... bit of a headache... but that's about it. Think I may try some of that Zicam stuff tonight to see if it's worth a crap... or I'll just get the ol' standard Comtrex... although it always does tricks with my blood pressure... so maybe I'll go the homeopathic route.

Still haven't seen Zodiac...

Friday, March 02, 2007


Well, okay... I have a Friday night off... which is kinda rare... Zodiac is out in theaters, tonight... and I really want to see it... really. The problem - I rarely go to movies on opening night (there are and always will be exceptions, of course)... basically because I don't like to watch movies with a buttload of people talking and getting phone calls and all that shit that makes me want to punch them... or at least berate them in front of their friends. The conundrum lies in that I have always been really interested in the zodiac killer and stuff (well, serial killers in general, actually), since I was a kid, even... This is one of those movies that I would probably be willing to sit in a theater full of people for... but I would probably enjoy the movie much more in a matinée setting during another day off (like Monday... or Thursday)... with much less in the way of distractions... but I really wanna see this movie... or, I could stay home, order some food (for a change) and go to bed early... and just go to a matinée later in the week. Bah... Making stupid decisions sucks, sometimes.