Friday, March 02, 2007


Well, okay... I have a Friday night off... which is kinda rare... Zodiac is out in theaters, tonight... and I really want to see it... really. The problem - I rarely go to movies on opening night (there are and always will be exceptions, of course)... basically because I don't like to watch movies with a buttload of people talking and getting phone calls and all that shit that makes me want to punch them... or at least berate them in front of their friends. The conundrum lies in that I have always been really interested in the zodiac killer and stuff (well, serial killers in general, actually), since I was a kid, even... This is one of those movies that I would probably be willing to sit in a theater full of people for... but I would probably enjoy the movie much more in a matinée setting during another day off (like Monday... or Thursday)... with much less in the way of distractions... but I really wanna see this movie... or, I could stay home, order some food (for a change) and go to bed early... and just go to a matinée later in the week. Bah... Making stupid decisions sucks, sometimes.