Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Well, as exciting and and all as Christmas is supposed to be, I'm relieved that it's over, I guess... I mean, as I stated earlier, I always (always) get a feeling of "excitement" when Christmas comes around... It's very much the kid in me that still has a lot of control from time to time. The reality of the situation, nowadays, is a bit sobering, though... Y'know... the whole "missing people," the whole "no presents" (thanks Santa... dick)... Don't get me wrong... I'm not any type of "Bah Humbug" guy... I really enjoy seeing how Christmas affects those around me... just kinda aggravates me in the end, anymore. So yeah, it's time for all that to go away, again, until late November of next year.

At least I got to see Duncan and his wife... and Anne, his little sister (his other sister, Alee, didn't make it up, this year... bummer)... and his mom... and his grandma, yesterday. Granted, it was only for a couple hours in the middle of a crowded restaurant and not how we all usually "get together," but still... I take what I can get when it comes to my friends. I hope that he (and his goofy wife) can get his ass up here again, soon... He's one of my most cherished friends on the planet. I'd probably rather go down there and visit, but I never know what my work schedule is going to be like, so... y'know.