Sunday, December 24, 2006

Okay... Hello, Christmas Eve... :)

So... Just got off work... have a few shots of that lovely, smooth, dark tequila in me... at 7am... awesome... Totally took the edge off of what was a very difficult week.

That's about all I have to look forward to for Christmas... Things... they just ain't the same no more...

I don't consider myself remotely a "drinker," anymore... I had plenty of that in my teens and early 20s... Every now and then, I will "tie one on..." usually, with a group of friends in some form of celebration for some event... This morning, I am drinking to "me." I made it through a rough few weeks... survived, relatively unscarred.

I see the sun is starting to creep its way up... here's to you, Mr. Sol... and all your bright, shiny glory...

(three shots later) Yeah... This stuff is awesome...

I totally walked out without telling young miss Katie Jo Merry Christmas (she usually doesn't work early in the morning, but she was there when I left... much to my surprise... drinking a Tim Horton's hot chocolate - I don't think she's ever worked mornings before) so I must make that all proper...

(a quick phone call later) Okay... problem solved... I work with some really great people... I must say. They're the closest thing to "family" I have around here, anymore... I mean, I still have some good friends (Mike, Jarrod & Steve) around and some cousins and such (one whom I am employed by the same company with)... but we don't spend nearly the time together that we used to when our fathers were still roaming the earth... I think I really miss that more than anything about the whole "Christmas" thing... and go figure, the one cousin who I'm still really close with ("J.R.") is in Florida for Christmas (his first Christmas away from 1717 Timmonds, ever)... That totally bums me out...

So... to Aaron L., Jim, "Humble Pie" (you have no idea how much I wish you were still around), Gina, Tom, Mike, Joe, Pam, Aaron B., Mark K., "Corona," Jason, Dave K., Andy, Tim, Brian, Roger, Ian W., Jeff B., Dave D., Rhonda, Bob, and even you Dan, (and you guys I don't "work with" but still have a really good time with) Ian E., Katie, Melanie, Trent, Jeana, Heather, Meagan, Sara, Margaux, Brandy, Jeff C., Mark J., Charlotte, Paul, Mr. Mark Arms (miss you, man... much thanks) - Merry Christmas.