Wednesday, September 21, 2005

People can be so aggravating. Some of the time, it's "certain people..." other times, it's just "people" in general.

I really don't enjoy people that talk out of both sides of their face. That is, people that say one thing to one person and turn around and say something completely different to another. People like that are very... well... uncool. If you should come across this post and you are of this type of person - please, stop what you are doing. It's not nice (not that you care about anything besides yourself)... when people find out that you are like this, they will stop liking you (well, I will stop liking you, anyway - not that you care about anyone liking you besides people that can help you get something you don't have)... and you will get what you deserve in the end (or... maybe you won't... Karma has a strange way of not paying people back that need it the most, sometimes).

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