Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I watched the movie Ichi the Killer the other night... I had read a couple reviews, somewhere. It seemed like it could be a pretty cool movie. I guess "cool" is relative. It was a complete trip... a mindfuck, even. I think I liked it a lot, but I still am a bit disturbed by some of it to tell for sure.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

This is from the gas station across the street from the bank by where I work.
I would have to imagine that's not a very popular flavor of candy. Maybe that's why it's so cheap?
From the carry-out at the end of my street:
The top part of that says "1/2 Liter 6 Pack." So, that's roughly... $2.45 per ounce of Pepsi... What a bargain!
...and you thought the price of gas was outrageous?
I wonder what Ellen DeGeneres did wrong to Texas to bring Hurricane Rita to them?

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Okay... I'm sitting here, as I type, watching this Airbus A-320 plane with a screwed up landing gear flying around in circles over LAX in Los Angeles...

I just heard a journalist refer to "electronical signals." ... He must've dropped out early in journalism school... like, second grade.

The plane hasn't landed, yet. Hoping for the best.
People can be so aggravating. Some of the time, it's "certain people..." other times, it's just "people" in general.

I really don't enjoy people that talk out of both sides of their face. That is, people that say one thing to one person and turn around and say something completely different to another. People like that are very... well... uncool. If you should come across this post and you are of this type of person - please, stop what you are doing. It's not nice (not that you care about anything besides yourself)... when people find out that you are like this, they will stop liking you (well, I will stop liking you, anyway - not that you care about anyone liking you besides people that can help you get something you don't have)... and you will get what you deserve in the end (or... maybe you won't... Karma has a strange way of not paying people back that need it the most, sometimes).

Monday, September 19, 2005

I used to like the (Cincinnati) Bengals when I was a little kid... They usually sucked, but I liked them. When I was in the 2nd grade, I discovered the (Washington) Redskins and the Bengals took a second seat... because they usually sucked and the Redskins were kickass. Yeah, the two years the Bengals went to the Super Bowl, I was right there cheering them on... but y'know, that's how it goes. (Another inherent problem is that I'm also a bit of a Pittsburgh Steelers fan... bitter rivals of said Bengals)
The last time they were any good was probably 1989... I've noticed in the last couple years that they've been progressing rather well into a legitimate football team... and I'll be damned if they're not actually pretty good this year. They took enough lumps the last few years to warrant themselves some good draft picks... to the point where they've put together a pretty good team for a change... and I've found myself liking them once again and wanting to see good things happen for them... well, in all fairness, I've always "liked" them... but they sucked...
Time for some results... just get into the playoffs this year... I don't care if they lose in the first round... but just get there.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

I had no idea that my brother just returned from Belgium/Germany... I wish I would have known... I would have given just about anything to have gone with him... I guess that since I didn't even know he had gone until after he had returned, I shouldn't be too down about it... but I am... Someone out there knows why, but they're not talking...

Thursday, September 08, 2005

threw you the obvious...

difficult not to feel a little bit
disappointed... and passed over...
but I see
see through it all...

...expecting just a little bit
too much from the wounded...

you don't see me...

...eyes of a fallen angel...

...naked but oblivious...

...apparently nothing at all...

I kinda miss you ("kinda")... wherever you are...