Friday, March 05, 2004


A judge in Texas ruled yesterday that gay high school students could not hold meetings on the school grounds...

I'm actually a little torn on the relativity of this issue, because if gay students get together to have meetings about "being gay" or whatever, then straight students should probably be in the room next to them having meetings about "being straight." But still, it seems a bit assinine that it even has to come to having a judge rule on it... to me, anyway...

It kinda ranks up there with the Georgia schools not being allowed to use the term "evolution," having to call it something like "natural changes occurring over time," instead. At least it got overturned in a higher court.
Crap like that wasn't an issue when I was in high school. We were taught evolution, and even the hardcore Bible-thumpers in my biology classes got good grades in it. It's just so goofy...

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