Monday, March 29, 2004

I'm still pretty fucking miserable, but I'm gonna avoid talking about it for a moment to talk about something that my brother mentioned in one of his posts, recently...

There's been some great television cancelled in recent years... I didn't need to even read the MSN article to come up with a list of great shows that just... disappeared...

Andy Richter Controls the Universe (FOX) - Andy Richter is one of the funnier "straight men" in show business... his role in Cabin Boy was beautiful, if not far too small... This show was hilarious, but apparently the network didn't get it.

The Family Guy (FOX) - Thank Maynard for Adult Swim on Cartoon Network rerunning this so-beautifully-crafted animation series... I hear it's actually coming back as soon as the fall? Sweet.

Mr. Show (HBO) - Perhaps one of the funniest cable shows (along with Kids in the Hall), ever... David Cross is one of the funniest cats on the planet (one of his stand up specials on HBO had me nearly pissing myself and his Shut Up You Fucking Baby! CDs got me through a so not funny ice storm, last year).

Undeclared (FOX) - Apparently, I was one of the show's few big fans... but I loved it. It was a more accurate look at college life than many wanted to admit. It ended far too early...

The Ben Stiller Show (FOX) - Comedy Central shows it from time to time, late night on Tuesdays... A brilliant piece of work from a brilliant cast (Stiller, Bob Odenkirk (Mr. Show), Andy Dick & Jeneane Garafolo)...

Greg the Bunny (FOX) - Okay, FOX has had wayyyy too many great shows that they didn't know how to market properly... Greg the Bunny was probably the funniest of them all... Set in a world where puppets (or "Fabricated Americans" as they were known) are real... The kid's show "Sweetknuckle Junction" featured characters like Greg, the oversexed Count Blah, A Harvard educated, alcoholic ape, Warren DeMontague, and Tardy the Turtle, alongside humans Dottie Sunshine and Junction Jack... Seth Green and Eugene Levy were the father & son "leads" of the show along with the ultra-funny Sarah Silverman, but you'd be hard pressed to convince me that the puppets weren't the stars... Count Blah was absolutely hilarious, blah...
Once again, FOX didn't understand what a piece of pure genius they had and pulled the plug far too soon after juggling around the lineup way too much...

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