Tuesday, November 04, 2003

What About Pedophilia Victims?

Many people remember the high profile "Operation Ore" that went after people that download images of child pornography... It nabbed a few pretty despicable people along the way. But it seems that there has been a big upswing in the availability of such imagery, thanks to good ol' peer to peer file sharing... It's free, there's no need to leave any incriminating credit card data anywhere where it can be picked up on, and there's no "middle man," thus providing much easier access to the images...

Is anything being done to stop the people that make the imagery? Well, people are trying, but lack of manpower and lack of knowing where to look isn't helping matters very much...

HERE is a rather disturbing article into some of the things that are going on, and what law enforcement is trying to do to in response...

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