Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Kobe Bryant

I've been quiet about the whole Kobe Bryant thing, and I guess it's time I opened my mouth on it, now...

Plain and simple - Kobe Bryant is a megalomaniac who measures his love for his wife in carats.

My guess is that we will never know what really happened in the hotel room just down the road from here in Eagle County... Kobe could be innocent and get conviceted, he could be guilty and be acquitted, or any combination thereof... Such is the case when you are dealing with the law and celebrities...

But he's trying to pretend like nothing's wrong and he's still the Kobe that everyone supposedly knows and loves... and he's wrong... he's never going to be that guy again, no matter what happens in court. He thinks he's just going to show up on the basketball court and everyone will forget about the fact that he may well be a rapist... news flash - they won't. He's about to go on trial for rape, and all he seems to put forth that he cares about is basketball... Kobe, c'mon... don't you think the other stuff is a little more serious than dribbling a ball down a court?

Kobe Bryant is a lost cause who's about to become a public relations nightmare, and he only has himself to thank for it. Not the press, not the law, not the girl... himself.

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